New memberships can be purchased by contacting the BAPS team on 03 5338 1877

Annual Membership
$65.00 per Year
- Unlimited entry during the Annual Spring Show
- Unlimited entry during the Sheep Show
- Reduced entry fees in most sections of the show.
- Opportunity to attend the Annual General Meeting*.
- Opportunity to join a committee.
Youth Membership
$25.00 per Year
- Unlimited entry during the Annual Spring Show
- Unlimited entry during the Sheep Show
- Reduced entry fees in most sections of the show.
- Opportunity to attend the Annual General Meeting*.
- Opportunity to join a committee.
Download Membership Form
To become a member of the Ballarat Agricultural and Pastoral Society please download the membership form, complete and send with payment to:
PO BOX 401, BALLARAT, VIC, 3353.