Spring Show Online Competitions
General Regulations and Conditions
The regulations appearing in this schedule form part of the GENERAL REGULATIONS AND CONDITIONS of entry to a competition at the 2021 Ballarat Spring Show.
- An exhibit must be the bona fide work of the exhibitor.
- An exhibit cannot be entered in more than one class.
- An exhibit must have been made by the one exhibitor unless entered in a group class.
- An exhibit must not have been entered at a previous Ballarat Show.
- Exhibits must not have been worn, used or marked, except in junior competition (including Schools) where exhibits may have been worn at other exhibitions.
- Exhibitors may wash/rinse exhibits for presentation, that is to remove any soiling that may have occurred in the making of the exhibit
- Entries will only be accepted via email to admin@ballaratshow.org.au.
- Entries close Friday 5th November 2021.
- Entry is free.
- Entries must include the following in their email:
- Name
- Age & Year Level (Junior, Primary and Secondary School entries only)
- Attach 1-5 images of exhibit (provide images at different angles to help represent entry to judges)
- Entry Class
- Description of Article
3. NOVICE SECTION - Not having won at a show before
Each competition will be judged, and place cards will be awarded to First, Second, and Third.
Refer to competition details for any other prize details.